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DTG/3TC vs BIC/F/TAF bei Late Diagnosis

Paso-Doble: Switch auf DTG/3TC versus BIC/F/TAF

DTG/3TC trotz M184V/I erfolgreich

Einfluss von DoxyPEP auf Gonokokken-Resistenz

LA-ART auch in Schwangerschaft möglich

Zwei Spritzen pro Jahr schützen alle

Sexuell übertragbare Infektionen
DoxyPrEP ist effektiv

6monatige STI-Kontrollen reichen aus

Hiv Heilung
Der nächste Berlin-Patient

Willkommen bei AIDS2024 in München


Global Village

Kunstprojekt der Münchner Aidshilfe

Gemeinsam die HIV-Epidemie beenden – aber wie?
unterstützt von Gilead Sciences

Was haben Klima- und UNAIDS-Ziele gemeinsam?
unterstützt von Gilead Sciences

We are here until HIV and AIDS are not
unterstützt von ViiV

Münchens Queere Geschichte

München und Umgebung

LGBTIQ – Restaurants, Party, Sauna, Beratung

HIV in Deutschland – Gestern und heute

HIV-Versorgung in Deutschland

Community in Deutschland – Deutsche Aidshilfe

Medizinische Hilfe – Adressen in München und Umgebung


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Gilead Sciences

ViiV Healthcare

CABOTEGRAVIR + RILPIVIRINE Long-acting for treatment

Long-acting Cabotegravir (CAB) plus Rilpivirine (RPV) in the first, virologically-suppressed adolescents with HIV-1 to receive an every 8-week, all-injectable regimen in a multicenter, multinational Study: IMPAACT 2017 Week 48 Outcomes*
Aditya H. et al. - Oral Presentation

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Anti-racist, anti-sexist, anti-ageist implementation science study of long-acting injectable Cabotegravir and Rilpivirine in clinic and community shows differences for women, older, and Black participants: ILANA Primary Endpoint (M12) results*
Orkin C. et al. - Poster

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Subcutaneous injections of cabotegravir + rilpivirine in virally suppressed adults with HIV-1: a substudy of the Phase 3 FLAIR study
D'Amico et al. - Oral Presentation

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Clinical Outcomes at Month 12 After Initiation of Cabotegravir and Rilpivirine Long Acting (CAB+RPV LA) in an Observational Real-World Study (BEYOND)*
Schneider S. et al. - Poster

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Perspectives of people with HIV (PWH) 12 months following a switch to cabotegravir and rilpivirine long-acting (CAB+RPV LA) in an observational real-world US study (BEYOND)
Valenti W. et al. - Poster

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12-month outcomes of cabotegravir plus rilpivirine long-acting every 2 months in a real-world setting: effectiveness, adherence to injections, and patient-reported outcomes from people with HIV-1 in the German CARLOS cohort
Jonsson-Oldenbüttel C. et al. - Poster

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Increased screening for sexually transmitted infections and HIV surrogate marker testing among long-acting injectable versus daily oral antiretroviral therapy users in the OPERA cohort
Lackey P.C. et al. - Poster

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Real-World Utilization and Effectiveness of Long-Acting Cabotegravir + Rilpivirine in Virologically Suppressed Treatment Experienced Individuals in Europe: COMBINE-2 Cohort Study
Pozniak A. et al. - Poster

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Re-thinking 'community' in the implementation of long-acting injectable Cabotegravir and Rilpivirine: qualitative findings from the ILANA study*
Hayes R. et al. - Poster

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Adherence through the prism of long-acting injectable therapy: qualitative findings from the ILANA implementation study*
Paparini S. et al. - Poster

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Closer to a cure: mixed-methods analysis of reasons for switching to long-acting injectable Cabotegravir + Rilpivirine*
Paparini S. et al. - Poster

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"I have to feel comfortable": Attitudes towards pharmacy-administered long-acting injectable antiretroviral therapy in a sample of people with HIV*
Cocohoba J. et al. - Poster

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CABOTEGRAVIR Long-acting for prevention

Evaluation of Long-Acting Cabotegravir (CAB-LA) Pharmacokinetics During Pregnancy: A Sub-Study Analysis of the HPTN 084 Open Label Extension
Marzinke MA et al. - Oral Presentation

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Evaluation of CAB-LA Safety during pregnancy in the HPTN 084 open-label extension*
Delany-Moretlwe S. et al - Oral Presentation

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Performance characteristics of HIV RNA screening with long-acting injectable cabotegravir (CAB-LA) pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) in HPTN 083*
Landovitz R. et al - Oral Presentation

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Location preferences for accessing long-acting injectable pre-exposure prophylaxis (LA-PrEP) among men who have sex with men (MSM) currently using daily-oral PrEP
Glick J.L. et al. - Poster

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HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis awareness, willingness, and use among transfeminine persons with high likelihood of HIV in the United States: recent results from the Transgender Women's Internet Survey and Testing (TWIST)
Yeras D.I. et al. - Poster

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Preference for long-acting HIV prevention methods among transgender women most at risk for HIV acquisition in eastern and southern United States: findings from the LITE study
Cooney E.E. et al. - Poster

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Influencers and decision-making factors for choosing injectable PrEP among men who have sex with men and transgender men in the United States
Dandachi D. et al. - Poster

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Need for increased HIV testing prior to and during pre-exposure prophylaxis with cabotegravir long-acting injections in routine clinical care in the United States
Hsu R.K. et al. - Poster

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Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Product Choice of Participants in HPTN 083*
Clement ME et al. - Poster

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Understanding Parental Motivations and Decision-Making for Adolescent Girls’ Participation in the long-acting cabotegravir (CAB-LA) trial – Insights from HPTN 084-1*
Ndimande-Khoza N. et al. - Poster

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Changes in sexual behavior among adolescent girls receiving long-acting injectable cabotegravir for HIV prevention; the HPTN 084-01 stud*
Mirembe B.G. et al. - Poster

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“Everyone should have access to it”: Perspectives on PrEP product choice and implementation from MSM and TGW in an injectable PrEP trial*
Psaros C. et al. - Poster

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Knowledge, awareness, feasibility, and acceptability of long-acting Cabotegravir for HIV prevention: results from the SEARCH Dynamic Choice HIV prevention trial*
Kakande E. et al. - Oral Presentation

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Early experiences with usage of injectable cabotegravir (CAB-LA) among Kenyan and Ugandan adults participating in the SEARCH Dynamic Choice HIV Prevention trial: a qualitative study*
Camlin C.S. et al. - Poster

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Intention to use long-acting PrEP among MSM in Europe – results from the PROTECT survey from Spain, Italy, Germany, France and the United Kingdom*
Jonas K. et al. - Poster

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A psycho-social weather report in the Netherlands: Mapping the internalised homonegativity "storms” and the sexual self-efficacy "sunshine" among MSM and their ecological associations with HIV care cascade*
Wang H. et al. - Poster

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Interest and intention to use long-acting injectable PrEP for HIV (LA-PrEP) among MSM and trans people in the Netherlands – results from the PROTECT Survey*
Kolstee J. et al. - Poster

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Preferences for the provision of oral and injectable PrEP among MSM and transgender persons who discontinued oral PrEP in Europe*
Zimmermann M.L.H. et al. - Poster

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Exploring the Relationship Between Comprehensive Sexual Health Prevention Measures and the Intent to Use Long-Acting PrEP among MSM*
Lozano A. et al. - Poster

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Mapping PrEP use cascades in the Netherlands under the internalised homonegativity “storm” and sexual self-efficacy “sunshine”: Where do MSM need an umbrella and where do they need sunglasses?*
Wang H. et al. - Poster

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Awareness, preferences, and attitudes towards three types of pre-exposure prophylaxis among Chinese MSM: A national cross-sectional study*
Lin H. et al. - Poster

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DOLUTEGRAVIR-based regimens

Efficacy of dolutegravir/lamivudine (DTG/3TC) in adults with HIV-1 and isolated reactive hepatitis B core antibody (anti-HBc): results from the phase 3/3b GEMINI-1/-2, STAT, TANGO, and SALSA studies
Fox D. et al. - Oral Presentation

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Non-inferior efficacy and less weight gain when switching to DTG/3TC than whens witching to BIC/FTC/TAF in virologically suppressed people with HIV (PWH): the PASODOBLE (GeSIDA 11720) randomized clinical trial*
Ryan P. et al. - Presentation

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PAIRED - PAtIent Reported Experiences and perceiveD benefit of treatment with dolutegravir/lamivudine - qualitative interviews: diverse group of people with HIV-1 (PWH) reflect on life and health
Slim J. et al. - Poster

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Real-World Effectiveness and Tolerability of the 2-Drug Regimen Dolutegravir and Lamivudine (DTG/3TC) in People Living With HIV: A Systematic Literature Review and Meta-Analysis From Clinical Practice
Fraysse J. et al. - Poster

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Viral suppression, viral failure and safety outcomes in children and adolescents on dolutegravir (DTG) in Europe and Thailand
Scott K. et al. - Oral Presentation

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Changes in body mass index in children and adolescents in Europe and Thailand before and after starting dolutegravir and compared to protease inhibitors using propensity scoring analysis
Crichton S. et al. - Poster

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Prenatal dolutegravir-based regimen use, and pregnancy and birth outcomes: data from the Antiretroviral Pregnancy Registry
Vannappagari V. et al. - Poster

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Effectiveness and durability of dolutegravir/lamivudine in older people with HIV from the Veterans Aging Cohort Study (VACS)
Yan L. N. et al. - Poster

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Effectiveness and durability of dolutegravir/rilpivirine (JULUCA) in older people with HIV from the Veterans Aging Cohort Study (VACS)
Yan L. et al. - Poster

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Switch to dolutegravir/lamivudine (DTG/3TC) in people living with HIV-1 suppressed on bictegravir/emtricitabine/tenofovir alafenamide (B/F/TAF): 96-week final analysis from the SOUND study*
Slim J. et al. - Poster

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Efficacy, safety and tolerability of switching to dolutegravir/lamivudine in virologically suppressed adults living with HIV on bictegravir/emtricitabine/tenofovir alafenamide-48-week results from the DYAD study*
Paige Rolle C. et al. - Poster

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Study of a randomised switch to DTG/RPV in subjects with HIV RNA <50c/ml and archived K103N (Wisard study): Week 96 follow-up results*
Moyle G. et al - Poster

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Differences between integrase strand transfer inhibitors on glucose tolerance: a role for mitochondrial stress*
Gisbert-Ferrandiz L. et al. - Poster

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Differential Effects of TAF, TDF and 3TC on Murine Weight, Body Composition and Adipocyte Differentiation*
García-Martínez P. et al. - Poster

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Efficacy of Dolutegravir Based Single Tablet Regimen in People with HIV who inject Drugs*
Alvarez E. et al. - Poster

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Extended efficacy and safety of dolutegravir and darunavir containing regimens at week 96 in D2EFT*
Kumarasamy N. et al. - Oral Presentation

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D2EFT Body Composition Sub-study week 96 results*
Carey D. - Poster

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Dolutegravir vs Efavirenz: Comparison and factors associated with viral blips in an acute HIV infection cohort study*
Sacdalan C. et al. - Poster

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Preclinical assessments of a cabotegravir prodrug predicting human dosing durations of >6 months
Baker M. et al. - Poster

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Phase 1 study of VH4524184 (VH-184), a new third-generation integrase strand transfer inhibitor (INSTI) with a unique resistance profile
Rogg L. et al. - Oral Presentation

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Pre-clinical profiles of HIV-1 capsid inhibitors VH4004280 (VH-280) and VH4011499 (VH-499)
Wang C. et al. - Poster

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Clinical pharmacokinetics and safety of orally administered VH4004280 (VH-280), a novel HIV-1 capsid inhibitor, in healthy volunteers
Griesel R. et al. - Poster

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Clinical pharmacokinetics and safety of orally administered VH4011499 (VH-499), a novel HIV-1 capsid inhibitor, in healthy volunteers
Thakkar N. et al. - Poster

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Other HIV-related data

Detailed modelling of viremia exposure does not independently predict cardiovascular disease in people with HIV
Elvstam O. et al. - Oral Presentation

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Intervention to improve HIV continuous care monitoring in public-sector HIV care sites in São Paulo, Brazil: A pre-post implementation evaluation*
Fonsi M. et al. - ePoster

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Increased biomarkers of cardiovascular disease in a long-term survivor cohort of young adults living with perinatal HIV with virologic non-suppression or metabolic syndrome*
Aurpibul L. et al. - Oral Presentation

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“A photo is not enough”: Limitations of telemedicine based on qualitative analysis of interviews with people living with HIV using this strategy in the public health system of Buenos Aires city*
Kierszenowicz T. et al. - Poster

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“They care about us”: Assessment of telemedicine by people with HIV using this strategy in the public health system of Buenos Aires city*
Kierszenowicz T. et al. - Poster

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Prioritising issues for intervention to improve the health-related quality of life of people with HIV: a network analysis*
Fuster-RuizdeApodaca M.J. et al. - Poster

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Resilient Viral Load Suppression in an Acutely-Treated Cohort of People with HIV During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Bangkok, Thailand*
Chomchey N et al. - Poster

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Inside Out: Inflammation in Acute HIV Predicts Persistent Depressive Symptoms Despite Antiretroviral Therapy*
Chavez J.V. et al. - Poster

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*denotes ViiV-supported investigator led and collaborative studies

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